I'm a first year MSE (Master of Science in Engineering) student in Computer and Information Science (CIS) at University of Pennsylvania. I finished my undergraduate study at University of Virginia, with Computer Science and Mathematics majors and Data Science minor. I have a keen interest in applying machine learning into computer graphics, and I'm also passionate about data science research and projects that aim to employ my skills to benefit the society.

I am skilled in various machine learning techniques, from image processing to topic modeling. These skills allow me to explore data in different kind of mediums. My math major background also prepared me with solid mathematical abilities such as time seires and linear algebra, which are important for both computer graphics and data science.

I'm still actively exploring more advanced topics in computer graphics, machine learning, and data science skills by both taking courses at UVA and self-learning. I plan to further enhance my academic abilities as well as professional skills by attending graduate studies.

My website documents my on-going and past projects and research as well as some other fun stuffs I did in the corresponding tabs above, so please check them out! If you are interested in knowing more about me or have any questions for me, please feel free to contanct me via email! Enjoy exploring my personal website!